Here are five suggestions I’d recommend when looking for the ideal travel roommate:
Fitness and Travel at Club Med Sandpiper Bay
I’ve written several times about the challenges of sticking to a diet and staying fit while on travel. I like that resorts such as Club Med Sandpiper Bay help you stay on course.
Flying with Kids and Leukemia: Port-a-caths and Medications
The number one thing a parent of a child traveling with a disability looks for is sensitivity. In coming to terms with our “new normal” and making adjustments, one of the first things that has come to mind is
Flying with Kids and Brica’s Roll n’ Go Transporter
Eight years ago, there were very few companies making travel products that took the flying-with-a-car-seat hassle out of our lives. Brica’s Roll n’ Go Car Seat Transporter is something I wish I had on that first flight.
Our “New Normal” Has Nothing To Do with Travel
I’m not the most open of souls when it comes to deeply personal trials and challenges but I will say, I’m taking a break from travel. Cancer has disrupted our lives.
Omni Shoreham Hotel D.C.
The ultimate luxury getaway at the Omni Shoreham hotel for girlfriends traveling to D.C.
Girlfriends’ Travel and Getaway – Omni Shoreham, D.C.
The Omni Shoreham hotel in D.C. is the perfect luxury setting for girlfriends to reminisce and get away.
Mom Traveler Spotlight: Shannon Entin
Traveling with the family to New Jersey? Meet a family expert, Shannon Entin.
Mom Traveler Spotlight: Monique Rubin
This week’s Mom Traveler Spotlight is on Monique Rubin. I’ve enjoyed hearing about her life as a traveling mom living abroad.
APASSIONATA Horse Show Gallops to Baltimore (Contest)
European horse show, APASSIONATA gallops its way into Baltimore.