The quickest trip planning advice I can offer you is do not wait until the last minute. If you’re planning for yourself and your family, it just adds a dose of unnecessary stress. If you’re on your own, then by all means, live for the moment and seize the day! In this video I answer a reader’s […]
A Staycation at The Family Friendly Avenue Suites DC
The summer is in full swing, which means it’s prime season for family travel and for us, that means a DC staycation in family-friendly accommodations. Every year we make it a point to do a staycation because there’s so much we have yet to discover in our backyard. Neither one of us are natives, so […]
Discover Boating So That You Can Travel More #Local
Living near Annapolis, it’s hard not to discover boating and its benefits. Once the weather is warm, you crave being out on the water, breathing in the crisp air and soaking in the sun. However, buying a boat is a big investment, much like buying a vehicle. We live in an area with high boat ownership. […]
Packing Tips: How To Pack For Your Next Trip
This video originally aired on WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore on Sunday June 28th. You can also watch it on the WBAL-TV site here. In the segment I share some packing tips and give pointers on how to pack your luggage. Video Transcript (courtesy of WBAL-TV 11) WELCOME BACK. TAWANNA BROWNE SMITH IS GOING TO SHARE HOW […]
Travel Products That Make Your Travel Life Easier
On Sunday I did a morning travel segment on WBAL-TV 11, a local station in Baltimore, where I spoke about innovative travel products that make your travel life easier. It was a fun experience sharing some of my favorites with the audience. Travel is stressful enough, between flying, getting through security checks quickly and easily, […]
10 Ways To Make Your Chattanooga Visit Exceptionally Fun
Last Fall, I spent an action-packed 3 days in Chattanooga, Tennessee, a city I knew nothing about except for a reference to the Chattanooga Choo Choo. In my brief research on things for families to do in Chattanooga, I learned that it was a popular city for outdoor enthusiasts such as rock climbers, hikers, and kayakers. Go figure. […]
Incorporating Brain Chase Learning Program Into Your Summer
In the video below I discuss ideas on how you can incorporate the Brian Chase learning program into your kids’ busy summer. The Research Research shows that summer learning loss is an issue which impacts all students, especially in mathematics. The numbers show that some children lose about 2-3 months of math comprehension every summer […]
How To Ride The Megabus From Baltimore To New York
I rode the Megabus from Baltimore to New York and survived! Okay okay I’m totally being dramatic. Of course I was fine riding the Megabus. Before Thursday (or rather before Thursday morning when I saw a fat $280 round trip Amtrak ticket staring me in the face) I would’ve said you can lock me up in the […]
Win an iPad mini for Your Freedome VPN #PrivacyIsNoGame
A couple of weeks ago I shared with you what I think is some valuable info about protecting your data privacy whether it be on your cell phone or your computer. How do you do this? Use a VPN service. VPN definition A VPN is a virtual private network. It’s main job is to protect […]
The Value of A VPN App When You Travel Abroad
Is your data protected right now with a VPN as we speak? While we depend more and more on our tablets and smartphones for the convenience of working, shopping, banking anywhere, we’re also exposing our data more freely. Did you miss my blog series on how to protect your online privacy when you’re traveling? If you […]