I passed by our next mom traveler’s hometown last week on my way to Spring Break in Kissimmee, Florida. Well, not actually. As Jennifer (@twokidsandamap) from Two Kids and A Mapexplains it, Pensacola is in Northwest Florida, closer to Alabama than it is to Orlando. Okay, but I was at least in the general vicinity.
Anyway, Jen has two kids, ages 7 and 5. She’s had some awesome adventures with her kids and shares them on her site: www.twokidsandamap.com. If you’re looking for a Pensacola with kids expert, she’s your woman. Join me to learn more about Jen in this week’s Mom Traveler Spotlight!

Pensacola has miles of beautiful beaches as well as some wonderful hiking trails through Florida woodlands and marshes. One of our favorite things to do is watch the Blue Angels practice their aerial acrobatics and then visit the Naval Aviation Museum, the world’s largest aviation museum.
If you are coming to Pensacola, look for a property out on the beach. There are beach homes and condos to rent, as well as some great hotel properties. Jimmy Buffet’s first hotel, Margaritaville Beach Hotel, is located here in Pensacola and if you are bringing the kids, I recommend the Pensacola Beach Gulf Front Holiday Inn Resort. There are family suites, children’s activities and a great pool.
Thanks so much for having me! Looking forward to reading about more moms in the spotlight.