The first thing that my husband said to me when I told him we were going to SeaWorld was, “But we’ve already been to the one in San Diego already.” And my response was, “So?” I often tell my readers, when you travel as a family, most of the time, it’s not about mom and dad but about the kids. I had to remind my husband that this time was no different.
Before we left Maryland and before I purchased the tickets, I did a double-check. I asked my oldest if he wanted to go and his response was a resounding, “Yes!” Thus, the decision was made. My kids and I can’t get enough of SeaWorld. I mean, who can get enough of seeing exotic animals and learning about them? It’s so much more than Shamu or a few joy rides. For me, SeaWorld is a great mix of education, entertainment, and amusement for my children.

As I learned this, I explained to my son that SeaWorld isn’t just a marine-based zoological park, it’s a part of a bigger organization that does animal rescue and preservation. My lesson was driven home when news coverage of SeaWorld’s greater mission flashed across our television screen: “SeaWorld – More Thank Just an Amusement Park.” Management also wanted to drive the point home that they were more three-dimensional. Upon exiting, we were asked to complete a short survey that asked questions pertaining to our thoughts on the educational value of exhibits and our perception of the park’s larger goal.

SeaWorld is a living classroom with fun perks. Encyclopedia pages come alive! The nerd in me definitely comes out at Sea World and between the shows and animal displays, I was in just as much awe as my boys. The roller coasters and other rides were just fillers to an already satisfying treat.
Location: One SeaWorld Drive Orlando, FL 32821
I was provided 2 complimentary tickets for my visit by Sea World. All comments and opinions contained in this post are my own.
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