In my beloved aunts words: “It’s always good to write everything down”. And as a result of this wonderful advice, my husband survived my 3-day getaway in one piece. In my previous post, I spoke about a solo trip I was taking. Remember I mentioned how busy I’d be, in an almost neurotic state writing everything down for my husband?
Well, I more accurately coined my detailed Daddy-To-Do-List, the “Daddy Action Plan” or DAP for our fellow government/military employees who like acronyms. And just like clockwork, he sucked his teeth at the two-pager sitting on his dresser and said to my three year old, “Mommy acts like daddy doesn’t know what he’s doing. I’m a pro at this.” Uh-huh.
Ironically, the DAP was greeting me in the car seat when he picked me up from the airport. I couldn’t help but smile.
So, here’s what my DAP looks like when I go away. Feel free to use the template for your own getaway.
[Insert Your Child’s name here]
- School by 8:15. Gym today, put change of clothes in book bag.
- Go over spelling words one last time before class. Double check homework is done correctly before breakfast.
- Breakfast: Juice, Cereal, Fruit, Vitamins
- Pack Lunch: fruit snack, baby carrots, taco minis, baggie of chips
- School pick up is 3:00 pm. Come home and change clothes
- 3:30 pm – Snack and schoolwork
- Sign reading book and other school papers in folder
- Look over any unfinished school papers and have him finish
- Work with him on incorrect answers on school work
- Check kitchen board for school schedule to see if any tests the next day. If so, prepare.
- 4:30 pm Open Play
[Insert Toddler’s name here]
- Breakfast right after dropping off Child#1 – Hot cereal, Juice (To make hot cereal, 1 cup almond milk, ¼ c cereal. Let almond milk heat, then add cereal in. Watch that it doesn’t boil over. Add a couple sprinkles of nutmeg and cinnamon. Let it cook down to a more solid consistency. You can go upstairs and wash his face, brush his teeth, get him dressed while it cools. Then allow him to feed himself, work with him of course to speed him along if pressed for time. Strap him in.
- Clothes – I have them already picked for the week in his closet.
- You’ll need to be out the door by 9:15 if you want to get to school on time. If you’re not there by 9:35, you will have to go to the front desk, sign him in, and wait for the teacher to come to the office to pick him up.
- School starts at 9:30 am. Drive down to stop sign, make right, drive into parking lot and walk son across the street. Teacher (insert description of teacher here if husband has never met teacher) will be waiting to take him from you. Pickup is at 12:05 pm PROMPT. You will park in the lot, stand in front of the door (you’ll see other parents waiting) and they will bring him out.
- 12:30-1:00pm Lunch – Give him a snack like almonds, fruit snack, or popcorn to hold him over while you prepare lunch. Ideas: leftovers, carrot sticks, noodles, nuggets, tuna salad. If he’s not showing much interest, don’t force it. Just give him his milk and put him down for his nap until
- 2:35 pm when you go to pick up Son #1. Sometimes he’ll sleep through it all and sometimes not. If you want him to stay asleep, be quiet and don’t have a conversation with him or play music/movie on the radio/talk on the phone.
- Dinner should be started by 5:45 pm at the latest so that they can eat by 6:30.
- 7:15 pm – Bathtime
- 8:15 pm – Bedtime for both of them. Then you’re free!
Do you ever leave instructions like this? Or do you let them just figure it out on their own and deal with the consequences later? I’d love to hear your thoughts and compare notes.
I can’t help but chuckle at myself when I read over them. Maybe my sister is slightly on to something when she calls me occasionally controlling. (^^ shrugging shoulder^^) Oh well.
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I giggled reading this, because I do the same thing, as well as lay out their outfits for the days I will be gone, b/c my husband can’t match clothes to save his life! I’ll also leave prepared meals in the fridge, mainly to ensure that the kids are actually getting nutrition while I’m gone!
I was also giggling when I read this. I do the same thing! My hubby usually claims he “skimmed” them. lol
Hi Dawn, Well @ least he admits to skimming them. Mine won’t admit that he needs them at all though I know they are of great use to him. Gotta love the men in our life!! LOL!