Is it just me or do the nights before a big trip create a bit of anxiety that impede your sleep? Me of all people, talking about anxiety? Yes, me, consummate traveler, and professor of travel organization gets a tinge of anxiety before going on a trip. Thankfully enough, t’s not bad anxiety; it’s an immature type of kiddie anxiety. I’m not stressed about an upcoming trip, I’m actually overly excited about it. Maybe I should look for the opposite of anxiety, since that word’s root meaning is to vex or trouble and I, by no means feel troubled for an impending travel.
However, travel anxiety is real for many people. Either they’re afraid to fly or their afraid of tight spaces or they simply are troubled about traveling with their young child. Part of the issue is a simple need for more practice and addressing the fear head on. In the past where I’ve indeed felt anxious about traveling overseas with my oldest son when he was a baby, I redirected my thoughts and viewed our upcoming trip as more of an adventure than as an oncoming train wreck. I kept my mind focused on the end result instead of the small steps to get there. It’s the negative thoughts of a perceived future event that creates anxiety. When you can flip the switch on your mind that your upcoming travel will be fun, no matter what happens, you can allay those fears and get past all that anxiousness.
What do you normally get anxious about?
I’m exactly like you and get super excited about going anywhere. Luckily, I can sleep on the plane, because I sleep terrible the night before I travel, thinking about all the fun we’re going to have 🙂
I DO get anxiety over packing. I always think I’m going to forget something important, even though I religiously make and stick to a packing list each and every time I go anywhere, whether I’m gone for 2 weeks or 2 days.
Shereen, isn’t it crazy!? I usually get about 3 or 4 hours of sleep the night before I’m going off some where and I don’t think this week will be any different. I think it’s that excited kid in me. And though the plane is an option, when I’m overly exhausted, I tend to sleep horribly on the plane and may just wind up leaning over onto my neighbor’s shoulder!!! :O
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