Travel is all about cultural exchange – exposure to a new culture, new language, trying new foods. I started off my New Year’s right in this respect. We spent New Year’s Eve with a group of family friends. Everyone is from the South. Except me. This is how a couple of friends celebrated:

Know what that is? Let me show you a clearer picture and see if you can guess?

That’d be chitlins. Yup! In the flesh. This was the New Year’s Eve appetizer for those brave and interested folks. Although my mother says that my grandmother used to make them, I’ve never seen or smelled them until yesterday. What an experience!
This is what breakfast looked like on New Year’s Day – Charleston style:

Now that’s what I’m used to, fish for New Year’s – minus the grits.

It was fun ringing in the New Year with our friends and seeing how they roll. We have our differences when it comes to food but there are many things from our history that make us the same. That’s what I love. I didn’t travel far but all the same, I had a new experience.
Here’s to a new year of travel filled with lots of exposure to culture, near and far.
I’ve never been brave enough to try chitterlings 🙂 . But, I’m always ready to eat grits or any form of seafood.
mmmm shrimp n grits! I enjoyed that very much before developing an allergy to shellfish after pregnancy. I still looove grits!
You are good. I can’t do a chitlin
Christine and Aisha, let me clarify – I had no part of those chitlins. LOL! The experience was the exposure to them and how my husband and his friends celebrate New Year’s eve.
Hey Jenn, yeah I don’t envy the shellfish allergies because shrimp? Yeah, that be some good eatin’!
It all looks so good.I even want to try the “chittlinz”! What a way to bring in the New Year.
Really? Yeah, the chitlins did not look nor smell appetizing to me. I had no interest in trying those bad boys. LOL!