I can’t help but feel giddy about the upcoming cruise I’m about to journey on. The cruise is a 4-day retreat for women, marketed as a Moms-cruise, complete with pampering events, self-care and self-help seminars, as well as mom-centric social time. I’m straying from calling it a mom-cruise because while I’m on that ship I will not be wearing […]
Traveling to the Theatre with my Kids
I conducted a great interview with Stepp Stewart, creator of Show N Tell – A New Musical for kids. The show looks energetic and vibrant and although I’ll be “roughing it” to the theater by myself with them, I’m looking forward to the experience. You can listen to the full Interview with Stepp Stewart here […]
Parents without kids – relaxation or more work?
I’m always baffled @ how much preparation it takes me to get my kids straight if we’re going anywhere without them. It’s a lot of work leaving them in someone else’s care, especially during evening hours. My husband has it easy – all he has to do is show up and drive. In the meantime, […]
Staycation: Travel In Your Backyard
After this weekend’s blizzard in Maryland, there was absolutely no reason to think about going up to a ski resort to catch some powder. We got tons of it – 30 inches in my area to be exact. This is the time where you say to yourself, who needs to pack up the car when […]
Travel planning sin #1 – ignoring the forecast
One of the first things I normally do when I’m planning a short family excursion is to check the weather forecast for my current location and my destination. This weekend, as I laboriously planned our ski day trip to Pennsylvania, figuring out who would take the two-year old on the kiddy snowtubing slope and who would drop the […]
Traveling Power Mommy?
As I enter the new year and come to terms with how much I enjoy traveling with my children and helping make it easier (hopefully) for other parents, I’m considering ways to take it all to the next level. 2009 was a whirlwind year for us travel wise. My soon to be five-year old truck hit the 100k mark the […]
I’d like to be on a beach right now
It is unbelievably late and I am still awake! Here is where I take a departure from the idea of Traveling with Kids. Right now, I’d actually like to be on a beach . By myself. No husband, no kids, no responsibilities. All I’d like is my bathing suit, my phone and my computer. As […]
Taking Care of Yourself
One of the things about traveling that I tend to forget about is that it takes a toll on the body. I was kindly reminded of it this past week when my immune system said “nighty night” and shut down Sunday evening, mere hours after getting off the road from a weekend getaway. The change […]
The Things We Do For Our Kids
I got the title for this post from a Face Book friend as she was replying to my Status Update where I said “soo tired – did mid-morning workout, drove 5 hours solo with the kids, yawning like crazy but still trying to be a trooper and let Amir enjoy a late night swim.” I […]
One Place My Kids Will Never See With Me
As you can imagine, I’m always on line researching and reading all things related to traveling with your kids. In my research just now for an Examiner article, I came across an article from Budget Travel.com on 15 places every kid should see. Number 2 on the list was Ground Zero in New York. Honestly, […]