Yesterday I took a 35 minute ride with my youngest to a health food store, recommended to me for having plentiful gluten free, casein free food options. In my previous post, where I spoke about traveling with a special diet, I mentioned that the stress of it all would be ensuring that the foods my children would need to eat were available. Well, I can now add the cost to these foods to that stress. For 23 items, I shelled out $75.76! Wow! And a lot of these items were snacks for them. It’s a shame that eating healthier can be so expensive.

I came home and cleaned out my pantry, reorganizing it to have a GFCF shelf, specifically for the kids. This way, my husband doesn’t have to think too hard about what they can eat and can’t eat when I’m not here. And when we have to be on the go, I can quickly and easily grab their foods without making any mistakes. It also allows my 6 year old the opportunity to see all the things that he CAN eat and not focus on the things that he can not.

Bottom line: I’m going to do right by my boys, no matter what the distance or the price. No matter what the diet or circumstance, traveling with your kids is all about preparation, research and planning. We are fortunate enough to be within reasonable driving distance to several specialty stores that carry the items we need – so that when we do travel, we are able to just pack them with us and go confidently.
My goal is to make positive changes AND reduce stress, all while keeping our traveling stride.
Thanks so much for the follow! It was a funny show! Great you won!
THanks Priscilla! I’m looking forward to watching the first season.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I’m now following you!
Very excited about the changes Top IV league schools are making to benefit the less fortunate.
I totally feel you on the money that has to be spent on specialty foods. I have a toddler that has allergies. We found out when he was an infant, I had to alter my diet because I nursed him and he was breaking out in hives and already had eczema, asthma and was diagnosed w/ food allergies as well.
Had to use chlorine free diapers etc. We couldn’t do baby food not even organic baby food was tolerated by him. I can go on forever about this…
Wow!! That’s a lot to have to watch out for. I guess I will count my blessings. I think what will really help is just staying in tuned to other parents who are doing it or have done it.
I told my husband about Stanford offering this too and he said, you should write them and tell them to reimburse you!! LOL! Yeah right!
Anyway, thanks for stopping by!
Hey there! My children were on a GFCF diet for several years but we were able to transition to an organic whole foods diet. We didnt travel much but we did move a few times & that was pretty tough! 🙂
Glad I found you – wonder what else we have in common! 🙂
I’m now following you through the Fun Weekend Blog Hop. I hope you’ll do the same! You can find me @
Sofia’s Ideas
Hi Sofia! I’d love to pick your brain about how you adjusted even with moving and having to find places where you could get the items you need for your kids. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough stores that have GFCF items for families, especially if you’re in a small town. Thanks for stopping in.
Looking forward to stopping by your place!
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