Learn which airlines charge you extra for luggage.
Understand how passport fees work and add up.
Discover which travel shows to attend for deep travel discounts.
Learn how to stay on top of flash sales for flights and hotels.
Learn how to set up a fool-proof travel savings plan.

Expert Advice From A Traveling Mom
Hi, my name is Tawanna Browne Smith and I'm passionate about travel. I started writing in 2009 after unsuccessfully searching online for solutions on how to travel affordably with two young children.
Now, as a travel writer and family travel expert, I draw on my personal experiences and industry knowledge to help other families plan their vacations. I've written about travel for online publications including: NileGuide.com, 10Best USA Today, Trip Advisor, Family Vacation Critic, and TravelChannel.com.
In my book, I share some of that inside knowledge with you.
Save Hundreds on Your Next Family Vacation!
The Mom's Guide To Saving Money on Family Travel highlights simple and actionable ways your family can save hundreds of dollars by:
- carefully planning ahead
- making more informed choices
- thinking outside the box on how you do and book travel
In this quick and easy guide I share with you several ways that you can score the vacation that you want without having to compromise and pay more for it.
An average London hotel room can range anywhere from $200 to $500 per night. When I traveled to London in 2013, I rented an apartment with FlipKey, a Trip Advisor company. My rental cost me $125 a night - a great rate for London accommodations. [pg. 26]
What Others Are Saying
Tawanna's travel experiences coupled with the strategies outlined in this book help take the guesswork out of travel, while providing families with a proven blueprint for travel success. I've already used her tips to plan a successful overnight trip." - Dina Payne, mother of one
"Traveling with a large family can be extremely expensive, discouraging, and can prevent families from experiencing travel. This guide has opened my eyes, helping me rediscover the joy of traveling with my family. The tips and key points were extremely helpful in allowing my family and I to continue to travel together, making the best choices that fit our budget and lifestyle." - Ange Anglade, mother of three
You don't have to sit on the sidelines watching your friends take vacations. Learn how to make travel more affordable for you. Be informed. Know where to find savings, when to cut costs, and how to book free or cheap flights. Stop spending more than you need to for your family vacations.